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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Friday, January 8, 2016

Thursday, December 25, 2014

merry Christmas. Sorry about being gone for awhile.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Texas Tornado Victim

wearing a CF (Consoldiated Freightways) hat. It has been almmost 10 years since the once proud company was closed due to corporate greed and union busting, but they cannot break the spirit of those who made it what is was, right up to the end..
The Employees.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Taken in Central Pennsylvania. I was stuck in traffic, so it was rather cathodic.

Fast forward to 2012

A lot has changed, a lot has remained the same. I got recalled back to work for the big time (and big $$) company. Former company took it well, I think. they sent me straight into a blizzard to where I was stuck for 3 days. Oh, they tried to get me to move, but with all roads closed, I told them I was staying put. Think they will take me back?? I didn't think so, either.

The transition was seamless. I went to from a new truck with 12,000 miles on it, to a truck with 1 million miles on it and the drivers side door never did fully close. Add to that, snow, ice and two lightweight trailers, I felt like I was back home.

Wife and kids have me home more now. Whether that is good or bad depends on the time of day that you ask them. I think it is good. When you go to work and they are mad at you, it is only for a day or so. Before it was 3-5 weeks. That, my friends, is not good.

Now only if the economy would co-operate! Right now we are doing well. No doubt better than a lot of others. Keeping debt-free (ok we jumped off the wagon, but the pick up will be paid off 3+ years early) makes the roller coaster ride bearable.

I will try to keep this updated. If I don't, tweet me!! Sometimes I need a kick in the shorts.
