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Monday, February 6, 2012

Taken in Central Pennsylvania. I was stuck in traffic, so it was rather cathodic.

Fast forward to 2012

A lot has changed, a lot has remained the same. I got recalled back to work for the big time (and big $$) company. Former company took it well, I think. they sent me straight into a blizzard to where I was stuck for 3 days. Oh, they tried to get me to move, but with all roads closed, I told them I was staying put. Think they will take me back?? I didn't think so, either.

The transition was seamless. I went to from a new truck with 12,000 miles on it, to a truck with 1 million miles on it and the drivers side door never did fully close. Add to that, snow, ice and two lightweight trailers, I felt like I was back home.

Wife and kids have me home more now. Whether that is good or bad depends on the time of day that you ask them. I think it is good. When you go to work and they are mad at you, it is only for a day or so. Before it was 3-5 weeks. That, my friends, is not good.

Now only if the economy would co-operate! Right now we are doing well. No doubt better than a lot of others. Keeping debt-free (ok we jumped off the wagon, but the pick up will be paid off 3+ years early) makes the roller coaster ride bearable.

I will try to keep this updated. If I don't, tweet me!! Sometimes I need a kick in the shorts.
